By Carley Sheehy

Mompreneur: The Ultimate Balancing Act

"You know, if you want to get something done, give it to a busy mom." This is a quote from the recent article, "Kevin O'Leary of 'Shark Tank' invests in 27 companies and says the only ones making money have female CEOs." I'm obsessed with Shark Tank and this article makes me smile ear-to-ear. 

I'm certainly proud of my self proclaimed title, "Mompreneur." But the truth is, the struggle to fit in being a mom and business owner is real! Prior to being a new Mom, I naively thought I could maintain "business as usual," at least to an extend. But then my baby boy arrived and turned my world upside down... He melted my entire heart and stole it for eternity.

That said, being a Mom became my priority and Global Grub went from "my baby" to "my business" which was a difficult adjustment for us all (well, not for my newborn, he was living the good life of getting milk drunk, sleeping, and ya know). In the beginning, I would beat myself up for not being able to get something done or put in the time that I had promised to my business. It took me a couple months to realize that that wasn't helping anyone or anything. Now, my outlook is to just do the best I can to squeeze it all in (and try not to think about how much bigger Global Grub could be if I was still able to clock in 60-70 hours per week. Ugh). 

When you're a Mompreneur, time is your biggest challenge. First, you have to figure out how and when to carve out the time. Then, you have to use that time as wisely as humanly possible. Maybe that means foregoing the convenience of working from home and all it's distractions. Maybe it means having realistic to-do lists on a daily basis. Maybe it means having a big ol' glass of wine, like I am right now on this "still working at midnight" kind of night. Ya just gotta test and find what works best for you. At the end of the day, when you run a small business, what you put in is what you get out. That sentiment motivates me to meet my "weekly hours" quota/goal.

So in conclusion, my advice (although I'm very much still trying to figure things out): know your priorities, don't beat yourself up, find a rhythm that works for you and be laser focused with your valuable time. Oh and how about a pat on your own back for maintaining your utterly impressive "Mompreneur" title? Pat, pat, pat! 

Any other Mompreneurs out there with their own advice to share? 


  • Thank you ladies for the comments!
    Welcome to the club, Pamela! I’m sure you’ll make it work just fine. Enjoy every moment, it all goes way too fast. Congrats on all that’s to come :)

    Carley on

  • Thank you Carley for this article! I am a proud owner of a small business/baby myself and am due with our first child in October. I feel like I am also disillusioned by the fact going into this birth that I will be able to do it all! haha Who am I kidding. I appreciated your honesty and reality of needing to just make it work where you can and forgiving yourself when it doesn’t work out as planned. I am excited however to be part of the Mompreneur group!

    Pamela on

  • words can’t express how proud you make us. We are so greatful and blessed to call you daughter-in-luv. ❤️❤️

    Jude Sheehy on

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